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Customer Reviews

Based on 99 reviews
Kristen Caldwell
Very good quality, color matches perfectly. Very natural and nice.

Soft, good length. I just got to master putting them in. :c)
Good to go! Definitely recommend. Thank you Remy!

exotic dancer
As close to real hair as you can get!

I wrote a review about these extensions a while back about the 18 inch extensions and since then I have worn them numerous times and nobody ever suspected! My own husband didn't even know! He did say my hair looks thicker. I just showed him what they look like and he was completely floored because they match my hair color perfectly which is really the trick.

I loved them so much, I ordered the 20 to 22 inch length and the color on the packaging for the longer ones says they're chocolate.....just like the shorter ones. When I hold them up together, the longer ones have more of a red highlight in them. So, I just dyed them with Henna and they look much better but still not a perfect match regarding the 22 inch wefts. They are made from human hair so I'm thinking the colors would be off a bit.

I would have loved it if they came in a more practical package. I don't store them in the plastic pouch they came in. I use a hair band and tie them together just below the clips and hang them in my closet. Works great and keeps them tangle free. Oh..and they are very comfortable as well! I love them!

i wish my mane could be this luscious and flowy and beautiful.

it is SO soft and silky and long. but what really amazed me was how consistant the thickness of the hair is throughout the length of these extensions. The color is very beautiful and it looks natural. the one minor thing I might suggest is the track on top needs to be more secure to hold the hair together. There is a lot more shedding than expected but its an easy fix with a SMALL amount of hair glue to the INNSIDE of the track (to prevent from it showing through the hair).

REGARDLESS. these are my favorite extensions BY FAR.

Beauty L.
HAIR> <3 Its amazing!!

THIS.HAIR> <3 Its amazing!!! it is darker then the pic but honestly if you have dark hair it will blend nicely. I had lighter ends for my own hair so I bought a DEMI hair color with no ammonia and used it all on my hair and the extensions. MY HUSBAND and friends LOVE IT!! BUT NOT AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!

Worth every penny!

I had to get extension for my bachelorette party and wedding hair salons were charging over $700
I just needed them for one day. My best friend recommended me these extensions and OMG!
they are perfect it blended with my hair so well. The quality is PERFECT definitely worth my $100
I just love how I could put them on and take them off and DON'T need to stress about losing hair or makign my hair super thin!

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